
Air Dolomiti riparte dall’Italia: da giugno vola da Firenze per Catania, Palermo e Cagliari

Firenze 20 maggio 2020 - Air Dolomiti, Compagnia aerea italiana del Gruppo Lufthansa, riparte dall’Italia e annuncia la ripresa dei voli con i collegamenti dall’aeroporto di Firenze verso Catania, Palermo e Cagliari.
Dopo un lungo lockdown i cittadini potranno così ritornare a volare liberamente raggiungendo le isole maggiori.

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Toscana Aeroporti: dal 4 maggio riprende l’operatività dell’aeroporto di Firenze

Firenze, 30 aprile 2020 – Toscana Aeroporti comunica che, con effetto dal 4 maggio 2020, riprenderà l’operatività dell’aeroporto di Firenze in applicazione alle modifiche al Decreto Legge n. 153 del 12 aprile 2020.

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Coronavirus emergency update - Extension of the activities suspension

Passengers are informed that in compliance with the Ministerial Decree n.153 released on Sunday 12/04/2020, the temporary suspension of the Florence Amerigo Vespucci airport activities is extended until Sunday 03/05/2020.


The suspension aims to rationalize the national system of air traffic in the next weeks, in relation with the diffusion of the Covid-19 emergency.


Passengers are invited to contact airline companies in order to check the status of their flights.


Coronavirus: arrivati all’aeroporto di Pisa 2 aerei cargo contenenti dispositivi sanitari per un valore di oltre 20 milioni di euro

Saranno consegnati a Estar che li distribuirà nelle strutture del territorio


Pisa, 3 aprile 2020 - Sono atterrati intorno alle 15.30 all’aeroporto Galileo Galilei di Pisa un Boeing 757 e un Boeing 777 provenienti dalla Cina con a bordo 11 milioni di mascherine, 400mila kit per i test, 230 maschere per i respiratori, 1.000 mascherine da isolamento, 100 monitor e 80mila tute sanitarie.


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Coronavirus emergency update - Extension of the activities suspension

Passengers are informed that in compliance with the Ministerial Decree released on Wednesday 1/04/2020 and with the resulting ENAC provisions, the temporary suspension of the Florence Amerigo Vespucci airport activities is extended until Monday 13/04/2020.


The suspension aims to rationalize the national system of air traffic in the next weeks, in relation with the diffusion of the Covid-19 emergency.


Passengers are invited to contact airline companies in order to check the status of their flights.


Coronavirus emergency update - Extension of the activities suspension

Passengers are informed that in compliance with the Ministerial Decree n. 127 released on Tuesday 24/03/2020 and with the resulting ENAC provisions, the temporary suspension of the Florence Amerigo Vespucci airport activities is extended until Friday 03/04/2020.

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Coronavirus emergency update - Suspension of the activities

In compliance with the Ministerial Decree n. 112 released on Thursday 12/03/2020 and with the resulting ENAC provisions, the activities of Florence “Amerigo Vespucci” Airport are temporarily suspended. The suspension aims to rationalize the national system of air traffic in the next weeks, in relation with the diffusion of the Covid-19 emergency.


Passengers are invited to contact the airline companies in order to check the status of their flights.


Coronavirus emergency update 13/03/2020

Passengers are informed that in the next hours ENAC will take all the measures to close the airports specifically indicated in the Decree signed yesterday by the Minister of Infrastructures and Transport Paola de Micheli. The aim is to rationalize air transport in the next weeks and to ensure at the same time the passenger right to mobility.


Waiting for the specific disposal, today (Friday 13/03/2020) the activities of all the Italian airports are continuing regularly. Florence airport is then regularly open and operating.


Passengers are invited to contact the airline companies in order to check the status of their flights.


Air France: update on flights to Italy

Passengers are informed that Air France has announced to stop all the connections to Italy from Saturday 14/03/2020 to Friday 03/04/2020, because of the emergency related to the Covid-19 virus.

Air France will guarantee a daily flight to all the destinations in Italy until Friday 13/03/2020 in order to allow passengers to anticipate their journey.


For further information, passengers are invited to contact the airline company.


Coronavirus emergency update 10/03/2020

In relation to the New Coronavirus COVID-19 emergency, passengers are informed that the activities of Florence airport are continuing regularly.

Police checks required by the new Prime Minister's Office Decree are active since Tuesday 10th March: passengers will have to show a completed self-certification (click here to download) containing the specific reasons of the transfer.

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Differimento sciopero nazionale generale di 24 ore del trasporto aereo del giorno 25 febbraio 2020

Si comunica che lo sciopero del giorno 25/02 è stato rimandato a data da definire.


Operativo da oggi a Firenze l’Embraer E190-E2 operato da Helvetic Airways

Firenze, 14 febbraio 2020 – Proveniente da Zurigo, è atterrato oggi alle ore 14.10 all’Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci di Firenze l’Embraer E190-E2 operato da Helvetic Airways per conto di Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS).


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Coronavirus emergency

We inform passengers that by order of the Ministry of Health arriving passengers at Florence airport will be submitted to body temperature check in order to monitor any suspected cases of Coronavirus.


For further information please visit the Ministry of Health website:




Air Dolomiti apre un nuovo centro di manutenzione presso l'aeroporto di Firenze


La Compagnia ha vinto il Bando di Toscana Aeroporti e in primavera inaugurerà una nuova base tecnica all’Amerigo Vespucci


Firenze, lì 22 gennaio 2020 - Air Dolomiti, Compagnia aerea italiana del Gruppo Lufthansa, annuncia di aver vinto il bando di Gara indetto da Toscana Aeroporti per l’affidamento in subconcessione dell’hangar all’aeroporto di Firenze.


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Disagi per cali di tensione

Si informano gli utenti che a causa di un guasto alla centralina Enel della zona di Peretola, si stanno verificando una serie di sbalzi di tensione che compromettono la regolare operatività del terminal.
Ci scusiamo per il disagio.